RPi infrasound logger
Also see instructions from Masa-yuki-san.
Powered using 12V 100Ah+ temporary battery with sunshield.
Location of the instrument is NOT logged by the instrument itself. Do at least handheld GPS unit logging. AND relative position with respect to 3 nearby sites using tape measurer.
Set up
- Remove transport padding from inside the box.
- Visually check cable connexions
- Feed 2.1 mm jack to inside the box.
- Place box under sunshield (South of the battery)
Plug in / Turn on
Plug in instrument box via 2.1 mm 12V jack to cigarette lighter plug.
Inside the box, screen will display its status:
- "GPS OK"
- "starting logging"
- "logging"
When you leave the screen should still be on "logging".
Turn off
Simply unplug the power as there is no power down button (there is a small risk of SD card corruption).
Data retrieval
Option 1: ssh
- connect ethernet cable between RPi and laptop
- set laptop IP to some thing in the same range
- "mkdir -p ~/Hayabusa_collected_data/infrasound/instrument_ID"
- "rsync -a pi@ ~/Hayabusa_collected_data/infrasound/instrument_ID"
- you can use the opportunity to be connected to safely turn it off (if packing up at the same time): "ssh pi@ sudo reboot", wait a couple of seconds, and then unplug.
Option 2: direct card read
- Take micro SD card out, plug it in a good brand card reader directly (avoid using micro SD -> SD adapter)
- "lsblk"
- "mkdir -p ~/Hayabusa_collected_data/infrasound/instrument_ID"
- "sudo mount /dev/sdX1" ~/rpi_data_mount
- "rsync -a ~/rpi_data_mount/home/pi/data/ ~/Hayabusa_collected_data/infrasound/instrument_ID"
- "umount ~/rpi_data_mount"
- Put micro SD card back into RPi (do not erase data)