Mobile network configuration

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This page describes the configuration of mobile network in DFN camera systems. For modem module installation in DFNEXT observatories with blue PCB modem adaptor board please refer to DFNEXT Modem Installation.

There are sevaral modem/operator combinations pre-defined in the DFN observatory operating system. These are those we use in Australia. For use with other operators or overseas, a specific configuration needs to be added.

Here is example configuration - please note the bold part of the text - that is identifier of the specific modem/operator setup, that need to match in both configuration files.

For Sierra MC8705 3G modem with Telstra M2M plan is the configuration as shown on a corresponding section of file /etc/network/interfaces.

### Optus/Telstra mobile data GSM/3G/4G
### with modem/ppp interface
### primary network interface in the field, default route
auto ppp0
allow-hotplug ppp0
iface ppp0 inet wvdial
#provider optus_multitech
#provider optus_sierra_MC8705
#provider telstra_multitech
provider telstra_sierra_MC8705
#provider telstra_sierra_MC7430

Please notice the uncommented line with provider telstra_sierra_MC8705. All lines with "#" at the beginning are comments.

There are a few more configurations pre-set in file /etc/wvdial.conf. The corresponding detailed section for our case looks like:

[Dialer telstra_sierra_MC8705]
Stupid Mode = 1
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","telstra.m2m"
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB0
Password = guest
Username = guest
Phone = *99#

The following box is wvdial.conf config section for Sierra MC7430 3G/4G modem in Australia. Please mind to uncomment the appropriate line telstra_sierra_MC7430 in /etc/network/interfaces.

[Dialer telstra_sierra_MC7430]
Stupid Mode = 1
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","telstra.m2m"
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB2
Password = guest
Username = guest
Phone = *99#

Please contact your service provider for details like AP name (here "telstra.m2m"), Password, Username and Phone (number) to dial. The "Modem" field is a virtual port - this parameter is specific for a modem type. If you are using the modem MC7455 (for the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa), we believe that it can use the same configuration as MC7430 (for Australia, Asia and Oceania). The only lines that need to be changed are AP name (here "telstra.m2m"), Password, Username and Phone (number) to dial. If your service provider/operator does not have specific requirement for Password, Username and Phone (number) to dial or if not sure, just leave these fields as they are (guest, guest, *99#) - please refer to the telstra_sierra_MC8705 example above.

WARNING: recently we found that some operators, eg Telus in Canada, do not support wvdial stule (PPP protocl) connection. We are working on alternative connection method that involves Qualcom qmi toolkit.

Then for both MC7430 and MC7455 you would need to add another section to /etc/wvdial.conf, copying some existing one, give it a unique name and modify those lines:

[Dialer YOUR_OPERATOR_sierra_MC7455]
Stupid Mode = 1
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB2

and then you open /etc/network/interfaces, comment out all the 'provider' lines and add your one:

### Optus/Telstra mobile data GSM/3G/4G
### with modem/ppp interface
### primary network interface in the field, default route
auto ppp0
allow-hotplug ppp0
iface ppp0 inet wvdial
#provider optus_multitech
#provider optus_sierra_MC8705
#provider telstra_multitech
#provider telstra_sierra_MC8705
#provider telstra_sierra_MC7430
provider YOUR_OPERATOR_sierra_MC7455