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the file on the camera


is the main configuration file for the camera operations. You must set up some basic values before using the cameras.

You can edit it via the GUI, or using the command line on the camera (e.g, login as root, and run nano /opt/dfn-software/dfnstation.cfg).

Initial configurations needed

Use a handheld GPS unit, and get the local GPS coordinates for latitude, longitude, and elevation. This should be in decimal degrees, with a datum of WGS84, elevation is in metres. Use negative latitude numbers for southern hemisphere. Don't forget the camera might be some metres above the ground where you are holding the GPS unit.

The camera also needs a location name, which is a descriptive location. Do not have the string "test" in the name, or the central server will ignore data from this camera! (Unless you want the server to ignore the camera, for example if you are repairing it and it is indoors)

Also, don't use spaces in the location; so for example, "New_york" is OK. Capitals or lowercase doesn't matter.

You can then set the following fields - we've used example values below


lat = 48.8580

lon = 2.2938

altitude = 354.0

location = Eiffel_Tower

Email settings are used to tell the server about the camera. The owner_emails field should be 0 or 1. if set to 1, then when the triangulation server detects events involving this camera, it will email the results to the local_contact_email. If you don't want to receive emails from this camera, set to 0. local_contact_email can be a list of email addesses, comma separated, no spaces.


local_contact_email = guest@nospam.com

local_contact_name = John_Doe

owner_emails = 0

The other vital step is to set up the camera calibration orientation.

Other optional settings

Other settings that might be of interest, but dont need to be changed normally - in the camera section:

camera_fstop is an index, which depends on the lens and camera chosen. #D800: 3=f3?,7=f6.3,9=f8?,11=f11?

camera_exposure_time is the length of time the shutter is open for each exposure during the night operations. it is dependent on the DSLR used. For D810, index 48 means 13sec, 49=15sec, 50=20sec ,51=25sec ,53=bulb mode. it can be index number 51, or time 25s for normal.

camera_iso is the iso setting for the camera. for D810, setting 23 is ISO 3200, 21 is ISO 6400.

enable_video is 0 or 1, to disable the video subsystem and only record still images. Useful if power is limited, or disk space is low.


#camera hardware setup

still_lens = Samyang_8mm

still_camera = D810

vid_camera = Watec_902H2_Ultimate

vid_format = PAL


vid_lens = Fujinon046

camera_ser_no = 12345

vid_ser_no = 12345

camera_fstop = 3

camera_exposuretime = 53

clearing_exposuretime = 51

cloudy_exposuretime = 51

camera_iso = 23

#iso value used during twilight

twilight_iso = 5

#5 = iso100 on D810

enable_video = 1

Internal settings control the operations during the night:


#time after sunset before start/finish in minutes, integer

sun_leeway = 0

#angle after sunset before start/finish in degrees

#we use -6=civil_twilight

twilight_horizon = -6

#number of minutes of 'twilight' mode after sunset before night operations

twilight_leeway = 10